воскресенье, 13 ноября 2016 г.

Экскурсия Энтомолога: Чем Вас Удивят Осенние Тополи В Киеве?

Экскурсия Энтомолога: Чем Вас Удивят Осенние Тополи В Киеве? VIDEO LINK = http://youtu.be/IM3-liujdVU Экскурсия Энтомолога: Чем Вас Удивят Осенние Тополи В Киеве? Чем Вас Удивят Осенние Тли-Пемфигусы Pemphigus spyrothecae, Что Живут На Тополях В Киеве? О Том Как Осенние Тли-Пемфигусы Pemphigus spyrothecae Живут и Скручивают Шишки-Галлы На Тополях В Киеве. Энтомолог, кандидат биологических наук Фурсов Виктор рассказывает о цикле развития галлообразующих насекомых на листьях черного тополя (Populus nigra) - о тле-пемфигусе позднем - Pemphigus spyrothecae (Homoptera, Aphidoidea, Pemphigidae) и энтомофагах тлей - клопе Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae), двукрылых - Leucopis puncticornis Meig. (Diptera, Chamaemyiidae), Heringia heringi (Zett.), Pipiza festiva Meig. (Diptera, Syrphidae), и перепончатокрылых насекомых - сем.Aphididae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphididae).

Entomologist, PhD, researcher Dr Viktor Fursov is talking the story about aphids Pemphigus spyrothecae, which are developing inside spiral-shape galls on leaves of the poplar trees (Populus sp.) in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
In one gall of the poplar about 500 aphids can develop.
Aphid Pemphigus spyrothecae has several generations during the year.
Eggs are wintering on the bark of trees. Larvae of aphids hatch in April-June. These are fundatrices females. Females grow about 2,5 months (or 80 days) and matured in the first half of June. Fundatrices and their offspring are parthenogenetic females. Fundatrices produce about 50-80 specimens of offspring.
These are virgines, or virgin apterous females, inside galls.
Virgines live about 30-32 days. There are 2 types of larvae and adults inside galls: solgiers aphids and normal virgin females.
"Soldgers" are protecting galls from parasitoids and predatous insects. Soldgers show a certain altruism behaviour.
Virgin females produce about 10-30 eggs each, which develop and grow up in winged sexul pares of aphids. Winged invividuals started to occure in galls from the beginning of August. In August the most of galls are opening through emergence hles. About 7-19% galls are remaining intact and closed and aphids inside die. In August there are about 500-1000 specimens of aphids inside each gall. Sometimes 2 specimens of females, or fundatrices are growing inside one gall.
Macropterous females are hatching from galls in August-September.
Indivivuals of macropterous winged generation live about 8 days and lay eggs. The next generation is amphigonal, or sexual generation: females and males. These are sexual parae of apterous aphids: female live 5 days, males live 3 days, they are mating. Females are laying eggs which will overwinter. Each female of sexual generation lays one egg only on the bark of poplar trees. Eggs are wintering.

HOST PLANTS for aphids Pemphigus spyrothecae:
Populus alba, Populus nigra, Salix fragilis, Alnus glutinosa, Ulmus laevis.
RECORDED: 07.10. 2014, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
ЗАПИСАНО: 07.10.2013, Киев, столица Украины.

Welcome to my VIDEO-CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/ufensia/
О Том Как Осенние Тли-Пемфигусы Pemphigus spyrothecae Живут На Тополях В Киеве.

RECORDED: 07.10 .2014, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
ЗАПИСАНО: 07.10 .2014, Киев, столица Украины.



Экскурсия Энтомолога: Чем Вас Удивят Осенние Тополи В Киеве?
Экскурсия Энтомолога: Чем Вас Удивят Осенние Тополи В Киеве?

Useful literature:
Urban J. Occurence, development and natural enemise of Pemphigus spryrothecae (Homoptera, Pemphigidae). - Journal of Forest Science, 2002, vol.48, N 6, pp.248-270.

VIDEO LINK = http://youtu.be/IM3-liujdVU

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