суббота, 25 февраля 2017 г.

How to Eat Unique Beetles Ulomoides dermestoides for Health Purpose? (EN...

How to Eat Unique Beetles Ulomoides dermestoides for Health Purpose? STORY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. = VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/WYqavcF0sbw  = VIDEO LINK = How and Why the beetle Ulomoides dermestoides can be used? How and Why the beetle Ulomoides dermestoides can be used for the medical or health improvement purpose to cure some diseases? Dr Victor Fursov will Show it especially for and tell about it. How to Breed this beetle at home or laboratory?  HOW it can be applied in medicine? What is his favor ??? Darkling Beetle Ulomoides dermestoides: what are his breeding techniques and its practical significance? Recorded in Kiev, Ukraine = VIDEO LINK =https://youtu.be/WYqavcF0sbw  = Rntomologist, biologist, scientist, senior researcher, PhD Viktor Fursov tells you about methods of breeding in the laboratory the darkling beetle  Ulomoides dermestoides (Tenebrionidae), as well as he talks and shows the methods of its possible application (use of living insects as a "living drug").

The impact of the beetle on a person is doone by a secret, which adult beetles emitting from glands on its abdomen during anxiety or fear.

It is noted that the results of useful medical application of this beetle have not been yet ssientifically (statistically) not confirmed and there are no reliable publications in the scientific literature yet. However, there were some cases in the literature about  the toxic effects of an overdose of the beetle in its application.

Materials about the methods of breeding in Ukraine were provided from Ukrainian coleopterist- specialist Dr L.S.Cherney in her publications on beetles, darkling beetles.

Beetle Ulomoides dermestoides  live and breed in laboratory and at home conditions in Ukraine and many other countries. In Ukraine, it was found in 2011. Beetle in Latin - Ulomoides dermestoides, it belongs to the family of darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae). The first English title beetle - "Chinese weevil" or "Gorgojo chino" translated "Chinese Beetle" or "beetle gorgoho". Larvae and adult beetles are feeding on grains (wheat, barley, corn), bread, dry and fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, boiled meat, eggs and other products. Beetles and larvae can be used as food for reptiles and amphibians in terrariums at home conditions.

Close species in its biology - Alphitobius diaperimus Panzer, 1796 (Tenebrionidae): this species showed its threat (danger) to poultry farms in Ukraine. Possible harm from adult beetles and its larvae of Ulomoides dermestoids can be done in the storage of grain, cereals, flour, dried fruit and grain products.

CITED literature: L.S.Cherney: Ulomoides dermestoides (Chevrolat, 1878) (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera) in the conditions of Ukraine and its taxonomic position. - An article in the "Journal of Ukrainian Entomological Society", Kiev, Ukraine, 2015, N 1-2 (10), c. 92-104.(published in Russian language).

  Знахарь-Жук: Методы Разведения и его Практическое Значение,  Киев Украина  = VIDEO LINK =   =    Энтомолог, биолог, ученый,  старший научный сотрудник, кандидат биологических наук Виктор Николаевич Фурсов рассказывает о методах разведения в лаборатории жука-знахаря - Ulomoides dermestoides (Tenebrionidae), а также рассказывает и показывает МЕТОД его возможного применения.

Воздействие жука на человека - за счет секрета, который взрослый жук выбрасывает из желез на брюшке во время беспокойства или его испуга.

Отмечается, что результаты полезного медицинского применения жука-знахаря пока достоверно (статистически) не подтверждены, и достоверных публикаций в научной литературе пока нет. Однако в литературе отмечены случаи токсического воздействия жука при передозировке при его применении.

21.02.2017 Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE.

21.02.2017   Киев, столица Украины


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VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/WYqavcF0sbw


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VIDEO WAS RECORDED:    08.01.217  Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE.

ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО: 08.01.2017  Киев, столица Украины


Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers, interviewed people and peformers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission.





VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/WYqavcF0sbw


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VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/WYqavcF0sbw


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