суббота, 5 августа 2017 г.

Dogs Tick Ixodes ricinus in Kiev, Ukraine X 200 Under Microscope

Dogs Tick Ixodes ricinus in Kiev, Ukraine X 200 Under Microscope   VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/SiUHWDd8SPo = Dogs Tick Ixodes ricinus in Kiev, Ukraine X 200 Under Microscope.  Terrible Sharp Shark Teeth  of Tick Ixodes ricinus. СМОТРИТЕ НА ЧУДО ПРИРОДЫ ПОД МИКРОСКОПОМ: Хоботок-Пила как ЗУБЫ АКУЛЫ - характерный признак хоботка у Собачьего Клеща  Ixodes ricinus. Хоботком собачий клещ врезается (впивается) в кожу своей жертвы-хозяина, кровью которого клещ питается. ХОЗЯЕВА Собачьего клеща - около 130 видов млекопитающих животных (в том числе лиса, еж, собака, кошка, корова, коза, и другие виды), а также птицы и рептилии (ящерицы и змеи - на них встречаются личинки клещей), а также человек. Клещ Под Микроскопом: История про Иксодовых Клещей и Собачьего Клеща  Ixodes ricinus.  Иксодовые клещи - переносчики ряда заболеваний - боррелиоза (болезни Лайма), клещевого энцефалита, Ку-лихорадки, туляремии, геморрагической лихорадки и др.

Тип Членистоногие Arthropoda,     Класс Arachnida,   Подкласс Acari,  Отряд Parasitiformes, Подотряд  Ixodida,  Семейство  Ixodidae Murray Ticks are small arachnids in the order Parasitiformes. Along with mites, they constitute the subclass Acarina.

Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are vectors of a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, Q fever (rare; more commonly transmitted by infected excreta), Colorado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, African tick bite fever,

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever, tularemia, tick-borne relapsing fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and tick-borne meningoencephalitis, as well as bovine anaplasmosis and probably the Heartland virus.

Ixodes ricinus, the castor bean tick, is a chiefly European species of hard-bodied tick. It may reach a length of 11 mm (0.43 in) when engorged with a blood meal, and can transmit both bacterial and viral pathogens such as the causative agents of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis.

Life cycle. Ixodes ricinus has a three-host life cycle, which usually takes 2–3 years to complete, although it can take from 1 to 6 years in extreme cases. Adults feed on large mammals such as sheep, cattle, dogs, deer, humans and horses for 6–13 days, before dropping off. An engorged female will lay several thousand eggs and subsequently die. The larvae that hatch do not actively seek a host, and usually feed on insectivores (orders Erinaceomorpha and Soricomorpha), although they may also find rodents, rabbits, birds, reptiles or bats.

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VIDEO WAS RECORDED:   19.03.2015, the city of Kiev, the capital of UKRAINE. Recorded by Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine.

ОРИГИНАЛЬНОЕ ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО:    19.03.2015., г.Киев, столица УКРАИНЫ. Original Video was recorded by Viktor Fursov, Biologist and Entomologist in Ukraine.

Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission.







История про Хоботок-Пилу у Собачьего Клеща  Ixodes ricinus

Terrible Sharp Teeth  of Tick Ixodes ricinus, Х 400 Under Microscope Zoom

My Edited Video  Ixodes ricinus Mandibules Under Microscope +PODPIS

VIDEO LINK =   https://youtu.be/SiUHWDd8SPo

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