вторник, 24 января 2017 г.

Дикое Пчелиное Гнездо Нашли в Лесу! Wild Honeybee Nest Was Found in Fore...

Дикое Пчелиное Гнездо Нашли в Лесу! Киев, Украина. = VIDEO LINK = http://youtu.be/7GiTyxijEyI Wild Honeybee Nest Was Found in Forest and Moved Into Apiary! Near Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Дикое Гнездо Медоносных Пчел Нашли В Лесу! Дикое Гнездо Медоносных Пчел Нашли В Лесу и Гнездо Теперь Едет Из Леса На Пасеку! Wild Honey bee Nest Transferration From Forest Into Hive & Apiary. 
Wild honey bee nest was transferred from the forest inside a beehive. Some preparations and smoking of a bee nest.
The honey bee nest with four large combs was attached on a fallen tree near the ground. The piece of tree was cut together with all 4 combs and carefully transferred to the box of the hive. Then a hive box with a wild honey bee nest was removed to a home apiary on a car. 
It will be shown in a several Videos together with this short video story. Welcome to watch our channel. :)

RECORDED: 06.10 .2014, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, recorded by Dr Viktor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine.
ЗАПИСАНО: 06.10 .2014, Киев, столица Украины.



MVI 0773 Priyatelenko Bee swarm Transfer 1 76

Дикое Гнездо Медоносных Пчел Едет Из Леса На Пасеку!
Дикое Гнездо Медоносных Пчел Едет Из Леса На Пасеку!

Wild Honeybee Nest Was Found in Forest and Moved Into Apiary!

Wild Honeybee Nest Was Found in Forest and Moved Into Apiary!
Wild Honeybee Nest Was Found in Forest!

VIDEO LINK = http://youtu.be/7GiTyxijEyI

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