четверг, 15 февраля 2018 г.

How to Put Yourself in a Danger in Ukraine?

VIDEO LINK:    https://youtu.be/5_I7U-A5ujo  = For Happy Travellers: How to Put Yourself in a Danger/Trouble/Troubles in Ukraine? Biologist Dr Victor Fursov is giving some good advices how DO NOT PUT yourself as a happy and smiling traveller or carefree tourist in a dangerous situation in Ukraine. It includes:

1) be careful about your purse and money/your cash in hands

1-2) be careful about your VISA, passport and invitation

2) there is no safe box in a private apartments, only in hotels

3) check at home that your credit card is working

4) check that your telephone is working

5) buy new SIM-telephone card /cards in Ukraine, or telephone as well (it is cheap)

6) do not take too much cash with you

7) do not do directly to unknown private apartment with earlier unknown person/people/unknown earlier friends

8) do not speak with unknown people in English/French/etc. just at street, be careful

9) do not go alone to remote city

10) DO NOT visit some dangerous cities/regions in Ukraine (check Internet about the situation, and do NOT trust to all news, and all people)

11) buy new SIM-telephone card /cards in Ukraine, or telephone as well

12) keep xerox-copy of your passport and contacts telephones with you

13) keep your passport and tickets in a safe place.

14) do not relax, be careful.

Good luck and welcome to Ukraine, if you are not still scared!

If you have questions, welcome to ASK in COMMENTS.

Uploaded:   14.02.2018, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE.

Загружено on-line: 14.02.2018,  Киев, столица Украины


Welcome to Dr Victor Fursov, Channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXzaxMmHV_w6f4jti7bEELw

Мой второй канал также интересен: https://www.youtube.com/user/DrViktorFursov

Полезная информация:

-  Effective Ukrainian Beehive -2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2ktMvFDhJA&t=25s

-  Мед под Микроскопом: Клещи Мучные Acarus siro = http://youtu.be/dn8egmdF0DE

- Varroa destructor Under Microscope X400:  (in ENGLISH) = http://youtu.be/pHEiH3Cpi4o

- Настоящий Монстр: Оса Сколия Гигантская = https://youtu.be/iY2NidbnSyA

- Do You Love Turkey?  = https://youtu.be/u3IlqHU3b1Y

I am Dr Victor Fursov. I am biologist, entomologist, teacher, I am studying the taxonomy and biology of egg parasitoids of the family Trichogrammatidae and some other egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea).

This is my Channel about teaching science, biology, entomology, beekeeping, travels, English language, Kyiv, Ukraine, and other countries, and many other interesting things.

С вами Виктор Фурсов. Я работаю биологом, энтомологом

с 1984 года и сейчас изучаю паразитических перепончатокрылых насекомых  (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Trichogrammatidae).

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/victor.fursov.39

MY PAPERS to download: https://izan-kiev.academia.edu/ViktorFursov 

MY PAPERS on-line: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Viktor_Fursov/publications

MY SKYPE:  zemi_san    (частные уроки репетитора BIOLOGY in ENGLISH или уроки по СКАЙП = private lessons on Biology in English, or via SKYPE):

If you want to learn English language with me, or Biology in English (private lessons in Kiev or via SKYPE):

Если хотите научиться разговорному английском языку вместе со мной (private lessons) по SKYPE или лично на уроках, или изучать биологию на английском языке, то я помогу Вам реализовать Вашу МЕЧТУ!


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VIDEO LINK:      = https://youtu.be/5_I7U-A5ujo

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