понедельник, 23 апреля 2018 г.

What Yoda is Doing in Botanical Garden in Kiev, Ukraine?

VIDEO LINK:    https://youtu.be/p4yDUuHQX-Y   = What Yoda is Doing in Botanical Garden in Kiev, Ukraine? =  Sculpture of Yoda is standing at the Alley of Force and Knowledge at  Grishko Botanical Garden, near the flowers  in Kiev, Ukraine. This sculpture was established on 23-July-2017.

Yoda is a Force-sensitive mysterious alien species, who was claiming Force and Knowledge for others in the TV serial “Star Wars”. "Do, or do not. There is no try." said Yoda  to Luke Skywalker.

Yoda is a legendary Jedi Master who witnessed the rise and fall of Galactic Republic, as well as the rise of Galactic Empire.  Yoda served as Grand Master of the Jedi Order during the latter days of the Republic and also held a seat on the Jedi High Council. For over 800 years he mentored others in the ways of the Force.

Скульптура Йода установлена в ботаническом парке им. М.М.Гришко в районе Выдубичи, в Киеве. Где именно? Поищите и найдете.

Uploaded:                 22.04.2018, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE.

Загружено on-line: 22.04.2018,  Киев, столица Украины


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14080001 22 04 2018 Kiev Hrishko Botsad Flowers Star War Jaddai 87

14080001 22 04 2018 Kiev Hrishko Botsad Flowers Star War Jaddai 87

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VIDEO LINK:      = https://youtu.be/p4yDUuHQX-Y

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