суббота, 19 ноября 2016 г.

Beekeeping in Ukraine: Chinese Delegation Visits Beekeeper Priest Nikodi...

Beekeeping in Ukraine: Chinese Delegation Visits Beekeeper Priest Nikodim's Apiary LINK = http://youtu.be/0o26FXMAxMk International Apicultural Congress APIMONDIA 2013: Delegation of Chinese beekeepers visited the apiary of the priest, Archimandrite Father Nikodim after the Congress. This apiary is located near the city Kiev, Ukraine. Priest Father NIKODIM uses the system of multi-colony beekeeping technology (or bee-direction) with is a new and productive method of intensive honeybee rearing.
Father Nikodim was talking about Natural Laws of honeybees' colonies formation and showed Posters with their description, pictures and graphics.
Father Nikodim was pleased to show beehives of his "honey bee complex"
with multi-colony honeybee community based on the use of multi-colony beekeeping technology (or bee-direction), uniting of several beehives and the application of special The Mother of God Comb Frames and blocks of three frames.

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LINK = http://youtu.be/0o26FXMAxMk

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RECORDED by Dr Fursov Viktor, Entomologist in Ukraine

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