пятница, 18 ноября 2016 г.

Beekeeping in Ukraine:The Mother of God Beekeeping System, Kiev, Ukraine

Beekeeping in Ukraine:The Mother of God Beekeeping System, Kiev, Ukraine
Beekeeping in Ukraine:The Mother of God Beekeeping System, Kiev, Ukraine LINK = https://youtu.be/yBV4EAYJAc0 Dr Victor FURSOV, scientist, biologist, entomologist and beekeeper, is talking about Internatiional Beekeeping Congress APIMONDIA 2013, World Beekeeping Congress, which was held in the city of Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE, on Sept 29th- October 4th 2013.
Special beehives' system of multi-colonies of The Mother of God Bee-Direction is shown on the background. This is the apiary of the Priest, the Father NIKODIM who is the founder of the Mother of God Bee-direction (beekeeping system of Bogorodichnoe pchelovedenie).

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#Київ, #Україна, #США, #Європа, #Польща, #англійська, #Апімондії, пасіка, #бджоляр, Україна, #Апімондія, #бізнес, #мед, #вулик, #вулик, #шкідники, варроа, #Лангстрот, #Прокопович, #США, #відео, #лекції, #бджоляр, #бджоли, #бджоли, #оси, #бджільництво, #Інститут, #музей, #пилок, #Торгівля, #продаж,

VIDEO LINK = http://youtu.be/yBV4EAYJAc0

Tags: Hive+Frame Богородичное Пчеловедение

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